Thursday, January 7, 2016

OUGD601 / COP3 / Accompanying Video

Speaking recently at an informal crit, and backed up by Simon in a tutorial, I decided it was hugely important to the project to in some way document the actual process that creates the finished prints.

I set up a good quality video camera and tripod and filmed for a couple of hours, capturing different angles of the machine in action. The main point of focus was the nib of the pen in action - though I had trouble focusing onto such a fast moving process.

I've punctuated the video with an opening Title page - essentially the 'branding' of the whole project - and a couple of very important quotes from the writing and research that has thus far made up my essay.

 The video aims to shed light on the process and would play along side the prints as part of the proposed final exhibition.

I decided to keep the film black and white in order to continue the series' aesthetic, as well as leaving in the mechanical, hypnotic noise of the process. I love the audible connotations with factories and machinery, it gives the film an eerie, dystopian aura.

Link to the final video can be found >>> here <<<

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